Razor: Product Overview Logo

"I have to say that I have never come across a company with support as good as you have. I consider Razor to be a first-class tool [...] with a task as critical as code management and archiving in a live project, the support of the tool is equally as important as its functionality. This experience has given me great confidence."

Simon Kershaw, LSI Logic Europe

Razor: CM & PT
Razor® Razor/PT is a highly configurable problem tracking system, and Razor/CM is a comprehensive file version control and release management system. Used together or independently, Razor runs on, and provides interoperability with, the most popular UNIX and WindowsNT platforms.

IssueWeaver IssueWeaver® is a product which allows you to establish a set of web pages providing access to users on different platforms, in different locations, to work together for the resolution of a common problem set. You can track a lot more than just software problem reports! Use it to manage things like hardware change requests, Sys-admin action items, customer contact info, or planned product enhancements.

Click here to install a copy of Razor and try it for yourself. You can get demo license keys e-mailed directly to you via our Web site as well.

The most current version of Razor is available on our Web site as well as up-to-date pricing. We think the combination of functionality, performance, support, and price makes Razor unbeatable in the CM/PT market.

NASA Selected Razor... So did AT&T,
Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Irridium, and VLSI...

You're in good company!
